Custom Grafted Grape Vines


Our 2025 Season is open for ordering!

Custom grape grafting is a specialized horticultural technique where two different grape plants are combined to create a single, robust vine. The process involves attaching the desired grape variety (scion) onto a compatible rootstock. This method allows growers to combine the best traits of both plants, such as disease resistance from the rootstock and the preferred fruit characteristics of the scion. Custom grafting offers tailored solutions for vineyards, enhancing the quality and adaptability of the vines to specific growing conditions.

Green Potted Vines

Green potted vines (GP) are greenhouse grown and climatized for approximately 14-16 weeks. They are delivered either green growing or dormant potted (DP).

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Rootstock Rooting and OR  Certified Budwood

Oregon Certified Budwood Cuttings allow you to field graft a scion onto a previously planted rooting. We offer both field-grown dormant (FGD) rootstock rootings and budwood cuttings for maximum versatility.

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September 2024 Availability List!

Feel free to give us a call with any questions! We're happy to provide recommendations and discuss the best grape varieties for your needs. Whether you're looking for rootstock options or advice on grafting, we're here to help guide you through the process.

Our 2025 Season is open for ordering!

Kyra Smith    |  971-983-6386 |   [email protected]